Thai Forest Dhamma

in the tradition of Lungphu Mun Bhuridatto

and his western disciples

Dhamma Talks: Listen Online

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Dhamma talk given byAjahn Martin
TitleThe path of Practice
Date15 Nov 2006
LocationWat Pa Baan Taad
Content / Description

Learning to walk and to speak: a simile related to the path of practice. Investigating for Wisdom and not investigating for knowledge. Difference between knowledge and Wisdom. The Dhamma of the Lord Buddha can be compared with a snake. Living in the ivory tower. Symbols: manipulating and creating new ones. What is the body? Animals and humans: a wise comparison and reflections. Carrots soup simile: Investigation of the Five Khandas: High-speed train simile. “Understanding” is something that happens in the heart. Magga-phala, Sotappana, Sakadagami and Anagami. Kamma. Taking responsibility for our actions. The Buddhist Path: learning to be responsible.